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PrisonPC Secure Prisoner Interactive Learning System

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The PrisonPC secure Prisoner Interactive Learning System solution delivers the most secure and fully functional platform for delivery of educational content, IPTV, communication, entertainment, and managed rehabilitation.


Central Management

Authorised staff can manage site policies and inmate activities from a secure central location, confident that inmates cannot circumvent policy or evade monitoring.

Integrated IPTV and Media

Standard free-to-air television, in-house, cable, and audio content is distributed to the inmates' computers, enabling them to select and view individual channels or stations.

Filtered Web and Email

Providing inmates with restricted access to web and email resources enables correctional facilities to manage the reintegration of inmates as they approach their release date. 

Print Management

All printed documents are marked with clear identification of who printed the document and electronic copies are automatically retained for later staff review.

Content Delivery

PrisonPC facilitates the secure delivery of informational and educational content from on-line sources and through in-house education providers.

Consolidated In-cell Device

Consolidates television, radio, stereo, gaming consoles, and similar devices into a single unit, reducing costs and opportunity for inmates to hide contraband.

PrisonPC Introduction

PrisonPC Introduction

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“PrisonPC is very popular. It helps develop skills for successful employment, provides an effective internal communication channel and is very cost-effective.”

Andreas Wullen 
Manager Business & Security Systems - ACT Corrective Services

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